You may notice some redness and swelling similar to a sunburn. This is normal after the procedure. Crusting, stinging or blistering of the skin that was treated may occur. This is actually a good sign that the treatment is working to destroy the precancerous cells. Symptoms typically resolve within a few days. Robust reactions may last as long as 1-2 wks.
• It is important to remain TOTALLY out of the sun for the first 48 hours
• It takes 48 hours for the medication to completely penetrate into the skin
• Sunscreen will not protect against photosensitivity reactions caused by sunlight • Your skin will be very sensitive to sunlight for up to 7 days after your treatment
You may wash the treated area with a gentle cleanser. The most common side effects include crusting, swelling, redness, itching, stinging and/or burning. You may apply Vaseline, Cerave healing ointment, over the counter hydrocortisone ointment or Aquaphor to relieve any dry and tight feeling and ice packs to relieve burning. You may also take a Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If your skin begins to itch, you can take an over the counter antihistamine during the day and a Benadryl at night. You will need to wear sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) as well as sun protective clothing (hat, long sleeve shirts, etc.).