1. Apply an ice pack or cold compress to the injection area after treatment to help reduce swelling. If swelling or redness persists too long, please contact Dr. Chiang.
2. It is normal to feel“firmness” in your injection area for the first few days after treatment. Over time, the area will soften, leaving you a soft, natural looking result.
3. Many patients return to their normal routine/activities immediately.
4. Make-up may be applied shortly after treatment if no complications are present. Apply make-up gently, avoiding strenuous rubbing of the injection area.
5. The injection area may also be gently washed a few hours after treatment, avoiding aggressive scrubbing or rubbing.
6. Sunbathing or excessive UV exposure should be avoided until the redness or swelling has subsided.
7. Email staff@cdermatology.com or call 303-788-1766 if you have problems/questions