1. After your peel, allow your face to rest. This means you should minimize facial expression and avoid touching the area.
2. You may wear make-up after a light chemical peel .
3. Keep the area well-greased with moisturizers such as Elta Moisturizer. If your skin is excessively irritated from the peel, Dr. Chiang will recommend a low-potency topical steroid lotion for you to use for the first week. Avoid glycolic acid retinoic acid products as it can irritate your skin.
4. You must follow STRICT sun avoidance up to 3 months post peel. This means avoiding sun exposure by minimizing activities outdoors/ wearing hats/ using sunscreen. We recommend Elta MD for the face and body. This is VERY important b/c one of the risks is that you can get darkening of your skin after a peel. You should start using sunscreen daily the day after your peel. I recommend applying it every morning, right after you brush your teeth…so it becomes routine and you don’t forget!
5. NO PICKING! If you pick, you increase the chance of scarring. If a scab forms, apply a topical antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin or Polysporin.
6. Gentle washing to the face twice a day (Ex: Obagi gentle cleanser or Cetaphil cleanser). If you prefer your particular cleanser, discuss with Dr. Chiang your regimen and see if it is appropriate. Otherwise, she will recommend something else.
7. After a week, you may restart Retin-A and Obagi Clear if your skin can tolerate it. If still too tender, hold off for another week.
8. If you have any signs of infection (pus drainage, intense pain, fever) or anything unusual, email staff@cdermatology.com or call 303-788-1766.